Comhábhair Bia na hÁise 2026
Fi Asia Indonesia | ASEAN’s largest food and beverage ingredients event
Indonesia's largest event for food and beverage Ingredients. Fi Global Insights Newsletter. Every week, see what's on the menu.
Food Ingredients Asia is part the Informa Markets division of Informa PLC.
Tá an suíomh seo faoi úinéireacht agus á oibriú ag Informa PLC. Is leo féin gach cóipcheart. Tá oifig chláraithe Informa PLC suite ag 5 Howick Place i Londain SW1P. Cláraithe i Sasana agus sa Bhreatain Bheag. Uimhir Chláraithe 8860726.
Aontaíonn tú lenár mBeartas Príobháideachta, a mhíníonn conas a úsáideann agus a chosnaíonn Informa do shonraí pearsanta.
Still unsure? Still on the fence?
This influential event is a great opportunity to network, share knowledge, and explore new business opportunities in the fast-paced food ingredients industry. Fi Asia Indonesia is a key player in the development of the regional food industry, focusing on healthy, sustainable, and safe food solutions.
This influential event is a great opportunity to network, share knowledge, and explore new business opportunities in the fast-paced food ingredients industry. Fi Asia Indonesia is a key player in driving growth and development in the food industry of the region. It focuses on healthy, sustainable, and safe food solutions.
Cóipcheart (c). 2024. Gach ceart ar cosaint. Is rannán trádála é Informa Markets laistigh de Informa PLC.
Cláraigh le haghaidh ticéid nó bothanna
Léarscáil Ionaid agus Óstáin Timpeall
Iacárta - Expo Idirnáisiúnta Iacárta, Réigiún Caipitil Speisialta Iacárta, an Indinéis Iacárta - Expo Idirnáisiúnta Iacárta, Réigiún Caipitil Speisialta Iacárta, an Indinéis